Lowongan Kerja Bank Dunia Di Jakarta Juni 2013 Terbaru

    Job #131349
    Job TitleSocial Development Specialist
    Job FamilySocial Development
    Job TypeProfessional & Technical
    LocationJakarta, Indonesia
    Recruitment TypeLocal Hire
    Language RequirementBahasa (Indonesian) [Essential]; English [Essential]
    Closing Date24-Jun-2013

The East Asia and Pacific (EAP) Region presents a dramatic illustration of the global dynamics, opportunities and risks of the 21st century. After making the fastest progress in growth and poverty reduction of any region around the world in the last fifteen years, some countries in the region – such as Mongolia – are poised to become middle-income, and some are preparing to join the small group of high-income countries. Such a rapid transformation is leading to the largest shift in rural-to-urban population in human history, generating rising inequality within and across countries, leaving individuals and regions behind in the dash for prosperity.  Meanwhile, the uncertainty in the advanced economies clouds the prospects for countries across the region which are being forced to adjust to changed growth and development prospects while addressing evolving impacts on macroeconomic stability, employment and poverty.

EAP comprises of more than 20 countries, including China, several MICs, LICs, and fragile states (EAP has the second highest number of fragile states amongst all the Bank regions). The Region is characterized by generally rapid growth, both sophisticated and low capacity borrowers, and some highly dynamic sectors. At the same time, EAP countries are faced with weak governance environments. The Bank's program in EAP is multi-faceted and has grown rapidly in recent years: lending in FY12 will have exceeded $8 billion; the portfolio consists of nearly 300 operations for about $30 billion; and the TF program is significant (with a portfolio of about $4.3 billion).  EAP consists of about 800 staff with 20% in Washington and 80% based in the country offices in the six CMUs.

The Sustainable Development (SD) Department covers Infrastructure (transport, energy, urban/water and sanitation); Social, Agriculture and Rural development; and Environment and Natural Resources Management. The Department accounts for a substantial part of East Asia’s overall business.  Overall, SD is responsible for:
•    delivery of about 50 operations per year, amounting to about $ 4-5 billion annually;
•    an active dialogue on regional issues, such as climate change, urbanization and decentralization, and huge demand for efficient infrastructure development;
•    about 160 active projects in the portfolio, amounting to around  $16 billion;
•    about 220 regular staff.

A key characteristic of the Bank program in the region is a high level of decentralization.  About 60% of staff is located in the field, and about 45% of operations are managed and led from the field. The underpinning of this decentralization rests on four main pillars:
•    better integration at the field level to provide greater synergies and integrated responses;
•    a decentralized management structure supported by regional and global knowledge; 
•    provision of faster responses and management decisions to our clients; and
•    the need to reposition ourselves in the region given the large urbanization and decentralization trend in almost all countries, the need to incorporate better environment dimensions of the fast growth rates and huge demand for infrastructure, and the need to better deal with governance issues and growing income disparities between urban centers and rural areas and lagging regions.

To address this high level of decentralization, SD’s Management Team is headed by a Sector Director at HQ, seven field based Sector Managers responsible for the client interface in Indonesia (two, of which one is the SM for SDV), Vietnam, China/Mongolia, Australia/Pacific, Philippines, Thailand/Cambodia/Lao PDR/Myanmar, and three HQ based sector managers responsible for the corporate interface grouped around platforms of engagement, and organized around thematic lines, as in the rest of the Bank. They are supported by technical Practice Leaders in each major field of business.

The World Bank’s Indonesia Social Development (EASID) department manages a diverse portfolio of loan operations, policy guidance, analytical work, and operational research around the themes of poverty reduction and community-driven development.  Its main operational program in Indonesia is the National Program for Community Empowerment (PNPM-Rural), a nationwide community-driven development program that forms a central pillar of the government’s strategy for poverty reduction.  The PNPM umbrella covers a number of operations including:
·    PNPM-Rural – a $1.6 billion/yr CDD program;
·    PNPM Generasi – a community based conditional cash transfer program to improve health and
education in the poorest regions; and
·    PNPM Peduli – which provides financing to grassroots NGOs that work with marginalized communities

The PNPM Support Facility (“PSF”), a multi-donor trust fund managed by the World Bank, is the major policy forum for developing the PNPM policy roadmap. It finances a broad range of supporting activities that include evaluations of local government poverty programs, improving legal access for poor communities, and field experiments to improve the incentives for better supply side delivery of poverty services to poor communities.

The core PNPM program now covers 70,000 villages and continues to perform well despite some of the implementation challenges that the program has faced in its rapid scale up to national coverage in 2008.  Several peer-reviewed quantitative assessments have demonstrated significant impact in terms of effective, attributable poverty reduction. The main findings confirm that: (a) benefits are heavily skewed to the poor - the two lowest quintiles of the participating population receive the largest share of project benefits; (b) benefits are significant -  household expenditures among the poor increased by an average of 11 percent as a result of roject investments, benefitting approximately 45 million poor people; (c) benefits are sustained, physical assessments of PNPM/KDP built infrastructure found that 85 percent of the infrastructure built by communities was in good to very good condition five years after its completion, and impact imulations found that after three years the majority of benefits came from increased economic activity attributable to the investments made by the program, not from project grants; (d) benefits are shared - labor composition in PNPM programs averages 40-70 percent (which is on the high end of global measurements).

The massive scaling-up of PNPM presents major institutional challenges.  The implementing agency, Directorate General of Village and Community Empowerment (PMD), within the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), has not yet fully adjusted to the program’s massive scale-up over a short period of time.  Basic processes of recruitment, training, and site visits have struggled to cope with a sudden tripling or even quintupling of the number of staff who need to be trained, deployed, and reviewed. While hands-on implementation support to PMD has helped mitigate governance and fiduciary risks and build more robust management systems, continuous attention to the quality of project management is required. 

The Indonesia program is seeking a Social Development Specialist to work with the PNPM Rural Task Team Leader and focus on day-to-day implementation support.

Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 1 year term appointment.

General Objectives
The main focus of this position is to work with the TTL and help manage day-to-day operations
This position will entail:

Operations Support
•    Coordinate with PMD in the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bappenas, and Menko Kesra regarding the PNPM Rural program.
•    Advise the Government of Indonesia’s project implementation team to ensure high quality project management including but not limited to: training of project management consultants and facilitators; procurement; financial management systems; management information systems; and implementation of socialization and communications strategies.
•    Coordinate with the World Bank’s PNPM operational management team on joint planning and implementation arrangements for PNPM-Rural, PNPM Generasi, and special programs.
•    Supervise and manage a World Bank multi-disciplinary team and conduct regular field supervision missions to identify field level problems and provide recommendations for solutions.
•    Draft project briefs, budgets, proposals, and correspondence with the government as required.
•    Other duties and tasks as specified by the Social Development Sector Manager or whoever he may designate.

Bachelor's degree in anthropology, sociology, economics, political science, public health, or related discipline and a minimum of 8 years' relevant experience or equivalent combination of years and experience.
•    Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena - Translates technical and cross-country knowledge into practical applications and contributions to country and sector strategies; interacts with clients at the policy level. 
•    Policy Dialogue Skills - Identifies and assesses policy issues and plays an active role in the dialogue with the government and/or other stakeholders. Anticipates needs and requests in the field and conducts independent policy discussions with representatives of the government and non-government partners. 
•    Participation and Consultation - Extensive experience conducting social development consultative and participatory approaches, deriving results that resonate with the client; ability to coach others in the application of the interventions.
•    Integrative Skills - Understands relevant cross-sectoral areas how they are interrelated; able to undertake cross-sectoral work in lending and non-lending operations.  Social Development Implications on Policy, Institutions, and Operations - Familiarity with the implications of social development on policy, institutions, and operations. 
•    Community-Driven Development - Extensive experience with community-driven development operations. 
•    Analytical Tools for Social Sustainability - Extensive experience conducting social development analyses, deriving results that resonate with the client; ability to coach others in the application of the tools. 
•    Project Design for Impact and Sustainability - IL - Carries out, under senior staff guidance, data collection on and analysis of relevant issues, and provides inputs to key documents. 
•    Sector Dialogue - IL - For use in client discussions and advice, conducts effective data collection and analysis of relevant issues. 
•    Operational Policies Application to the Project Cycle (fiduciary, disbursement, safeguard and GAC policies) - IL - Has a basic understanding of operational policies, sufficient to review project documents and reports and to help develop procurement plans and action plans; takes steps to expand his/her knowledge of operations. 
•    Client Orientation - Maintains client relationships in the face of conflicting demands or directions and provides evidence-based advice and solutions based on sound diagnosis and knowledge. 
•    Drive for Results - Identifies the needed resources to accomplish results involving multiple stakeholders and finds solutions to obstacles affecting key deliverables. 
•    Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion - Shows leadership in ensuring the team stays organized and focused, and actively seeks and considers diverse ideas and approaches. 
•    Knowledge, Learning and Communication - Leads in the sharing of best practice, trends, knowledge and lessons learned across units and with clients and partners, articulating ideas verbally and in writing in a clear and compelling way across audiences of varied levels. 
•    Business Judgment and Analytical Decision Making - Gathers inputs, assesses risk, considers impact and articulates benefits of decisions for internal and external stakeholders over the long term.

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