Pembukaan Magang UNDP Jakarta & Jayapura (english)


Job TitleDeadlineLocation
42231 - Knowledge Management Analyst (for Indonesian Nationality Only)9-December-2013Jakarta
41600 - LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (LED) SPECIALIST (for Indonesian nationality only)9-December-2013Jayapura
42160 - Monitoring and Reporting Officer, SWARGA Project (for Indonesian Nationality only)11-December-2013Jakarta
42159 - Project Assistant, SWARGA Project (for Indonesian Nationality only)11-December-2013Jakarta
42148 - National Project Manager (NPM) for Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) Project(for Indonesian Nationality only)11-December-2013Jakarta
42266 - FINANCE ASSOCIATE (for Indonesian Nationality only)16-December-2013Jakarta
42264 - UNODC PROGRAMME ASSOCIATE (for Indonesian Nationality only)16-December-2013Jakarta
42262 - UNODC PROGRAMME ASSOCIATES (2 POSTS) (for Indonesian Nationality only)16-December-2013Palangkaraya and Jayapura
42260 - UNODC PROGRAMME ASSOCIATE (for Indonesian Nationality Only)16-December-2013Jakarta
38449 - Communications Intern (For Indonesian nationality only)31-December-2013Jakarta
Internship for PROGRAMME Units (For Indonesian nationality only)31-December-2013Jakarta
Internship for Procurement Unit (For Indonesian nationality only)31-December-2013Jakarta
Internship for Administration Unit (For Indonesian nationality only) (re-open)31-December-2013Jakarta
25033 - Internship programme for Finance Resource Management Unit (For Indonesian nationality only)31-December-2013Jakarta
23522 - Internship programme for Human Resources unit (For Indonesian nationality only)31-December-2013Jakarta

For consultant positions please click this link 
UNDP Indonesia is committed to building future leaders. Therefore, our Internship Programme provides a wide range of opportunities for students to gain insight into the work of UNDP. Every year a limited number of places for internships are available. Students from diverse academic backgrounds may be assigned in our office, where their educational experience can be enhanced through practical work assignments. Our staff will guide student to get experience in specialized in various professional fields and enable student to expose themselves in international environment.
To take part in the programme, we look for the following minimum eligibility criteria:
Interested students must send the following documents to with subject : APPLICATION FOR INTERNSHIP 
  1.      File 1: Resume or Curriculum Vitae
         File 2: Letter from university confirming current enrollment and graduation date
         File 3: School transcript
         File 4: Letter of endorsement from a senior faculty member who has directly supervised the student
         File 5: Copy of valid medical insurance
         File 6: Copy of valid life insurance
         File 7: Completed application for UNDP internship programme

  2. The following documents can be downloaded from here
  3.      1: Application for UNDP internship programme, click here
         2: UNDP user guide – internship policy, click here
         3: List of Health Life Insurance providers, click here
         4: UNDP Internship agreement, click here enrolment:
    • enrolled in a degree programme in a graduate school (second university degree or higher) at the time of application and during the internship (if a candidate is graduating before the internship period begins, they are no longer eligible); or
    • have completed at least four years of full-time studies at a university or equivalent institution towards the completion of a degree, if pursuing their studies in countries where higher education is not divided into undergraduate and graduate stages;
    • not have graduated prior to the beginning of the internship.
  4. skills:
    • proficiency in English and normally at least one additional UNDP working language (i.e., French or Spanish). Fluency in Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese or Russian is an asset;
    • computer literate in standard software applications;
    • demonstrated keen interest in the work of the UN, and of UNDP in particular, and have a personal commitment to UNDP's Statement of Purpose and to the ideals of the UN Charter.

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