Lowongan Kerja Jakarta Movement of Inspiration 20th 2014

Jakarta Movement of Inspiration
Dear creative youth,

Have you set your new year resolutions yet?
Do you want to do something quite different in 2014?
How about joining the soon to be the most creative & inspiring youth movement in Jakarta??
Because Jakarta Movement of Inspiration 2014 is officially calling all youth who is ready to make great impact!
Help us make the 1st grand collaboration of Jakarta's youth in art & creativity come true!
If you have interest in organizing events, marketing communications,
or artistic production, or interested in joining the stage crew team, we might have a place for you!
Sign up on www.jktmovein.com. Click the "Open Recruitment Form" button and fill out the form.

Contact Person: Nadia (081214003072)
Make sure to sign up before January 20th 2014.

Note: The Marketing Communications division is recruiting early! For those interested in marketing communications, please sign up before January 3rd 2014.