Chevron membuka recruitment untuk mahasiswa yang akan magang untuk periode Maret 2013.
Semua lampiran dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Kampus Update
PT Chevron Pasific Indonesia
Sentral Senayan I Office Tower
Jl.Asia Afrika No. 8, 12th Floor
Jakarta 10270
Yanto Sianipar
Vice President, Policy, Government and Public Affairs
Email for general information:
Email for human resources:
Chevron could take you to one or more of the following Indonesia locations, as well as other locations around the globe:
Sumatera Operation (SMO) - Duri, Rumbai, Minas dan Dumai
Kalimantan Operasi (KLO) - Balikpapan (Pasir Ridge), Sepinggan, Yakin, Attaka dan West Seno
Geothermal Operasi (GPO) - di wilayah Jawa Barat pegunungan di Salak dan Darajat
Chevron never request candidate to pay any cash or other form of gratuity for selection process
- GPA min. 3, SKS min 100
- Lampirkan CV, transkrip nilai dan recommendation letter.
- Toefl di atas 400
Semua lampiran dalam Bahasa Inggris.
Kampus Update
PT Chevron Pasific Indonesia
Sentral Senayan I Office Tower
Jl.Asia Afrika No. 8, 12th Floor
Jakarta 10270
Yanto Sianipar
Vice President, Policy, Government and Public Affairs
Email for general information:
Email for human resources:
Chevron could take you to one or more of the following Indonesia locations, as well as other locations around the globe:
Sumatera Operation (SMO) - Duri, Rumbai, Minas dan Dumai
Kalimantan Operasi (KLO) - Balikpapan (Pasir Ridge), Sepinggan, Yakin, Attaka dan West Seno
Geothermal Operasi (GPO) - di wilayah Jawa Barat pegunungan di Salak dan Darajat
Chevron never request candidate to pay any cash or other form of gratuity for selection process
1 komentar:
Saya mau bertanya, kalau magangnya untuk bulan maret 2014 di chevron ada ga?? Terus ini buat jurusan apa ya??
Ada info magang di tempat lain ga??
Makasih sebelumnya