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World Bank |
The East Asia and Pacific Region presents a dramatic illustration of the principal global dynamics, opportunities and risks of the 21st century. After making the fastest progress in growth and poverty reduction of any region around the world in the last quarter century, some countries in the region are poised to become middle-income, and others are preparing to join the small group of high-income countries. Such rapid transformation is leading to the largest shift in rural-to-urban population in human history, generating rising inequality within and across countries, while leaving some countries, sub-national regions and groups behind. The continuing global financial crisis also threatens the sustainability of the gains with countries across the region being forced to address the resulting impacts on macroeconomic stability, economic growth, employment and poverty.
Department and Unit Context
Within the EAP Region, the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Department (EAP PREM) is responsible for the Bank’s work in the areas of economic policy, public sector governance, poverty and inequality, and gender. This involves the provision of policy and implementation advice as well as financial support to our clients through analytical work, technical assistance, lending and supervision in close consultation with the field-based Country Directors. Staff in the department also conduct cross-country analyses of issues that are of interest across the Region, monitor regional economic developments including through contributions to semi-annual economic updates, and work with other sectoral staff to address cross-cutting challenges.
The department is highly decentralized with about three-quarters of its staff located in country offices. The management structure of the department includes a DC-based Sector Director, a DC-based sector manager/lead economist (who is also the thematic lead economist for economic policy and trade); two country office-based sector managers (in Bangkok and Jakarta); four country-office based lead economists; and two thematic lead economists (for public sector governance and poverty/gender). This group collectively comprises the EAP PREM departmental management team and provides the overall strategic and operational leadership. Each of the thematic lead economists for public sector and governance, poverty/gender, and economic policy/trade facilitates communities of practice and provide strategic leadership in her/his respective areas of expertise.
The Indonesian Context
The Indonesia program is one of the largest in the World Bank and is focused on providing developments solutions for an emerging Indonesia. The program is structured around wide-ranging and deep engagements aimed at strengthening core national systems, enhancing sub-national government performance, community driven development and poverty alleviation, education, environment and infrastructure. Lending is currently around USD 2 billion a year distributed over a balanced mix of policy, programmatic and investment loans. In addition there are a large number of trust funds to support analytic work, technical assistance and implementation support.
Reflecting the size of the country program, the PREM program in Indonesia is also one of the largest in the World Bank, with a large team on the ground, and a very active program of policy-based as well as investment lending, analytic work, technical assistance and implementation support organized into the following clusters: macroeconomic and fiscal policy, poverty reduction, sub-national development policy, competitiveness, and public sector management.
The Economist will be part of East Asia PREM’s Indonesia team and will report to the Sector Manager and Lead Economist based in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Economist will be part of the core team of the AusAID‐funded SEMEFPA program (Support for Enhanced Macro Economic and Fiscal Policy Analysis), delivering a program of institutional strengthening within the Fiscal Policy Agency of the Ministry of Finance. The focus of the work will be on macro and fiscal policy issues, both broadly but also particularly relating to food and fuel prices, but will involve extensive work across clusters within the PREM team, particularly with the poverty cluster.
Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a [2] year term appointment. Note: A potential candidate has been identified and intends to apply for this position. However, this remains a competitive process and interested candidates are encouraged to apply.
Note: If the selected candidate is a current Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 2 year term appointment.
Lead the SEMEFPA program in institutional strengthening in areas primarily, but not exclusively, related to developments in international and domestic prices, and related policy issues such as on fuel subsidies.
• Play a key role in the core SEMEFPA program of support on macro and fiscal policy issues. This includes supporting program management and planning and monitoring and evaluation
• Lead or support the development of policy toolkits and transfer them to key counterparts in Government and to other team members within PREM.
• Lead or support the delivery of training programs under the SEMEFPA program
• Play a key role in working across clusters within PREM, particularly with the poverty cluster, and across sectors in the country office to deliver international good practice policy input to the government counterparts of the SEMEFPA program
• Lead or participate in the preparation of analytical pieces for the Indonesia Economic Quarterly, along with the economic update sections
• Play a key role in the policy dialogue with Government authorities and development partners, particularly in relation to inflation and fiscal subsidies developments
• Participate actively in the Indonesia Country Team and the EAP PREM team
Master's degree and a minimum of 5 years' relevant experience including exposure and contribution to economic policy debates, formulation and implementation, for example, through work in an economic ministry or international financial institution, or equivalent combination of education and experience
Demonstrable conceptual and analytical rigor covering a range of areas in macroeconomics, including inflation, growth, fiscal policy etc, coupled with demonstrated quantitative databases management, problem solving and team working skills
Strong technical econometric and statistical skills. Experience with Eviews and/or Stata is preferred
Experience in implementing long-term capacity-building programs and in designing and implementing training courses
Knowledge of economic developments and experience of policy analysis in East Asia, especially Indonesia, but also of particular importance is an international perspective from work across a range of regions and income levels
The candidate should be able to deal sensitively in multicultural environments and build effective working relations with the client and colleagues across multi-disciplinary teams
Excellent oral and written communication skills in English are essential
General Economic Knowledge and Analytical Skills - Possesses a demonstrated track record of working with economic and sectoral data and analytical tools and models to conduct economic analyses and produce user-friendly written outputs; understands underlying statistical concepts.
Knowledge and Experience in Development Arena - Understands policy making process; distills operationally relevant recommendations/lessons for clients.
Policy Dialogue Skills - Identifies and assesses policy issues and plays an active role in the dialogue with the government and/or other stakeholders.
Integrative Skills - Working to develop an integrated view across all facets of current sector.
Macroeconomic Skills and Country Economics Experience - Demonstrates basic macroeconomic modeling skills and knowledge; understands how different accounts in an economy fit together and links among real, monetary, trade, debt and balance of payments accounts.
Written and Verbal Communication - Delivers information effectively in support of team or workgroup
Public Finance - Has knowledge of budget formulation and execution processes to perform assessments, and knowledge of public finance policy to participate in public expenditure reviews, provide advice and contribute to capacity building.
Client Orientation - Takes personal responsibility and accountability for timely response to client queries, requests or needs, working to remove obstacles that may impede execution or overall success.
Drive for Results - Takes personal ownership and accountability to meet deadlines and achieve agreed-upon results, and has the personal organization to do so.
Teamwork (Collaboration) and Inclusion - Collaborates with other team members and contributes productively to the team's work and output, demonstrating respect for different points of view.
Knowledge, Learning and Communication - Actively seeks knowledge needed to complete assignments and shares knowledge with others, communicating and presenting information in a clear and organized manner.
Business Judgment and Analytical Decision Making - Analyzes facts and data to support sound, logical decisions regarding own and others' work.
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